
7 Most Common College Fears and How to Overcome Them

April 19, 2021 Students

Higher education is the path to a successful career for many students. But, many students feel uncomfortable with the changes they face when they attend colleges. The pressure of achieving good grades and building one’s dream career might not affect them that much as the college fears students face.

So, What Are Some Major Fears of College Students? Let’s Find Out:

1. Change

Many students might have lived with their family whole life until they attend college. So, the change of place and lifestyle might be uncomfortable for them. The fear of change is one of the biggest college fears students feel.

Solution: Making friends at a new place can cheer you up. Also, do regular exercise to beat the stress. Besides, counseling sessions can also help you feel relaxed.

2. Stranger Danger

Not all of us can make friends easily. So, living with strangers can be pretty challenging for the students. Introvert people may face this fear a lot more than others. They might find it difficult not to find familiar faces all around. Besides, students might fear that they would meet the wrong people who can get them in trouble.

Solution: Do not feel shy to attend counseling sessions to express your feelings to your counselor. Also, try to keep yourself busy with the things you like, it can be books, music, etc. Besides, take time to observe people and slowly make yourself feel comfortable with others. Even the strangers’ faces become familiar after a while. But, take time to make friends. This can help you avoid falling into bad company. Being alert and guarded is necessary. Moreover, use both your brain and instincts to deal with people. This will help you to get prepared to deal with people in the future.

3. Pressure of Performance

One of the most common college struggles is maintaining the same level of performance as high school. Students might face people who are much brighter and intelligent than they are. That might make their scores look below their expectations. So, there might be a fear of not scoring well enough.

Solution: Do not lose hope. Keeping yourself self-motivated is the key to success in any circumstances. Take time out to find out your strengths and weaknesses and work accordingly to improve your grade.

4. Right or Wrong College

One of the most common higher education issues is choosing the best college. With so many colleges and programs, students find it hard to pick up one college. So, they always have the fear of choosing the wrong college.

Solution: First make a list of priorities you are looking for in a college. Then make a list of the best colleges you want to study at. Cut out the colleges which do not fulfill your requirements. Now, you will be left with a few colleges. So, it will be easier for you to pick up the one best suitable for you.

5. Inferior Complexity

Feeling inferior to others is a common trait in youngsters. Looks, sexual preference, financial status, family issues may be the reasons for this feeling. Besides, being accepted by the larger crowds becomes the goal for many. Many students indulge themselves in prohibited activities just to be a part of the crowd.

Solution: Feeling inferior to others is just a state of mind. Besides, this feeling arises out of comparisons. So, stop comparing your situation, look, or status with those with others. Everyone is unique and so their problems are. Keeping yourself updated with knowledge and loving yourself the way you are can boost the confidence in you. If nothing helps, seek professional help.

6. Right Subjects

One of the issues in higher education is picking up the right major. Majors in higher education play a big role in the success of one’s career.  Many students fear that they might end up picking the wrong majors and get dropped. Also, some even fear ending up with no job with the wrong major.

Solutions: Find out your interests and abilities. Write down your strengths and weaknesses. At the same time find out the majors with great career options. Thus, you can simplify your options.

7. Public Speaking

As a college student one has to address a big audience at times. Many students become terrified at the thought of it. Speaking in front of a huge audience makes them feel conscious and nervous. So, this is one of the biggest college fears.

Solutions: Getting yourself into a public speaking course is the best option. Yet, you can get many video tutorials and articles online to help you overcome the fear of public speaking.

Getting ready for college does not mean higher studies and a career. But, it also means getting ready for responsibility and challenges that life might throw on you. College life teaches you how to make friends, time management, many strategies of life. These eventually prepare you for future challenges. Also, just like any other fear, college fears are a state of mind. With the right mind-set, self-guidance, and proper knowledge, one can handle these without much effort.


Benyam Gizaw

Benyam Gizaw is the brain behind the online tutoring app, My Tutor. His role includes taking initiative in launching the app, leading the marketing, and operations team. He is a super-optimistic and motivating thought leader who believes that knowledge has more power than anything else in this world. His mission is to create equal opportunity for receiving a proper education for all. This simple idea of spreading education globally has given birth to one of the most user-friendly educational apps.

In his own words, “Knowledge is the key to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. My Tutor is the first step towards fulfilling this mission.”

As a result-oriented, self-driven, and super-enthusiastic thought leader, he firmly believes that one can achieve his goal if he is consistent in his field of expertise and is ready to take chances in life. This positive approach towards life and work has made Benyam a unique personality. He continues to motivate his team members to give their best.

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